The volume of the sides and belly first to increase in weight gain and decrease in the latter in the case of weight loss. It is therefore important to wisely choose a nutritious diet that will help to remove the problem areas. Proper and simple diet for weight loss belly and sides depends on the underlying number of excess weight and individual characteristics of the organism.
The essence and principles

To the deposition of fat in the abdomen cause by the following reasons:
- The unhealthy food. Carbohydrates in the form of sweets delay fluid in the body and slow down the process of metabolism. If the problem lies in the constant overeating and addictions to sweet and fatty foods, should radically change your diet and nutrition;
- Disease. Increase abdominal cause of liver disease, dropsy. It is important to treat existing disease and to undergo annual screening;
- Stress. Unstable emotional state promotes the production of the hormone cortisol, which converts the calories consumed into fat. You should avoid stressful situations, take sedatives;
- The lack of physical activity. It leads to the formation of excessive roundness of belly and hips. If the fat is postponed due to a sedentary lifestyle, you must increase your physical activity, do exercises that give the load to the waist area.
A low-carb diet for weight loss belly and sides where the menu below will help to dry the piece and remove excess water. To get rid of unwanted inches, adhere to the following rules:
- Eliminate alcohol and carbonated beverages, especially beer.
- Reduce the consumption of salt.
- Eating for weight loss belly and sides should be a fraction.
- A one-time amount of food is about 250 G. the Frequency – 5-6 times.
- During the day drink pure water (1.5-2 liters).
- The number of calories per day should not exceed 1500-1800 calories.
- Take vitamin complexes to support the balance of nutrients in the body.
- Eat after 19-00 is prohibited.
Suggest to buy electronic scales for weight control and record the amount of eaten calories. Using 3-day diet for quick weight loss belly and sides is unlikely to get rid of the problem areas, but to reduce few inches in your waist is possible.
To finally eliminate excess fat will help long-lasting weight loss program and exercise.
The menu for each day
If it is urgent to get rid of several centimeters on the abdomen and flanks, you can use a crash diet, designed for 3 days. With its help, will be able to remove 3-5 inches. Sample menu for three days is presented in the table below:
Meal | The first day | The second day | The third day |
Breakfast | Green tea, 2 eggs | Cheese low fat, tea | Baked apples with cinnamon, coffee or tea |
Lunch | Cereal made with whole grains, green tea | 100 g boiled Turkey, coleslaw | 150 g fish steamed carrot salad |
Dinner | Vegetable stew, 150 g fish | A glass of kefir (1%), 2 tomatoes | A Cup of yogurt, banana |
We should not forget about second Breakfast. As a snack: grapefruit, broccoli, spinach, apples, low fat yogurt, a granola bar. Allowed to eat 30-50 g of dried black bread in the morning. This diet allows you to decrease the volume of the stomach and to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. In the future of overeating will cause discomfort. In diseases of the pancreas and intestines, you should pay attention to the diet 5P.
For those who love meat and vegetables, ideal protein diet. Below is a sample menu for the week:
Day | Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner |
Monday | 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, green tea | 150 g beef, salad, vegetables | 150 g of cooked fish (hake, cod), 1 boiled potatoes, beetroot salad |
Tuesday | 2 bread, a Cup of yogurt | 200 g fish steamed Apple compote | 150 g pork, 100 g of sauerkraut |
Environment | 100 grams boiled pork, Apple | 200 grams of beans, vegetable salad | 200 g of lean meat, Apple juice |
Thursday | 150 g of cheese, green tea | 150 g stewed meat, 100 grams of vegetables | 150 g fish steamed, 100 grams of salad |
Friday | 100 grams of beef, carrot salad | 150 g of fish, salad with tomatoes | Vegetable ragout, compote |
Saturday | 150 g lean pork, coleslaw | 100 g beans, carrot salad | 150 g steam fish with coleslaw, a slice of black bread |
Sunday | 2 bread, a Cup of yogurt or tea | 150 g of Turkey breast, vegetable salad | 150 g pork, tomato salad |
Weekly diet for weight loss belly and sides is designed for an active lifestyle. While it is necessary to play sports.
There are many other diets aimed at reducing the volume of the waist. Separate popular weight loss on rice, yogurt or buckwheat. Mono diets allow to get rid of belly in a short time, but a monotonous menu makes them very complex.
To lose weight fasting days will help. They are selected based on the characteristics of the body and preferences. The essence of the fasting day in the use of a certain product during the day. The most popular are:
- 1-1,5 l of kefir;
- 1-1,5 kg of apples;
- unlimited number of fresh cucumbers;
- 400 g of boiled chicken breast;
- 2 kg of watermelon.
You can combine two products, for example, buckwheat with yogurt, apples with cheese, etc. it is Recommended to arrange fasting days 1 time per 1-2 weeks.
How to cook

To cook during the diet you need to retain the maximum amount of nutrients. Therefore, during the weight loss should follow some rules:
- It is recommended to remove the fat from meat and poultry;
- When baking do not use any fat. You can vary the dish by using different marinades;
- It is important not to digest food. Better if they are a little crispy;
- When fighting, you cannot add more fats. During cooking heat should be evenly distributed around the dish, so ideal to cook on a small fire;
- Acceptable frying, without oil. Ideal grill;
- All salads dressed with olive or flax oil, low-fat yogurt. To use mayonnaise you can;
- It is important not to exceed the caloric and cook according to the recipe.
Adhering to these recommendations can improve digestion and lose weight in the belly area and sides.
What can diet
Diet against the sides and belly are based on a fractional power. The daily menu should consist of food which provokes the deposition of fat.
Products for weight loss belly and sides:
- chicken;
- veal;
- Turkey;
- rabbit;
- lean fish;
- seafood;
- bean;
- cereals;
- dried fruits;
- walnuts;
- vegetables (except potatoes);
- fruit (except grapes and bananas);
- greens;
- milk products (low-fat);
- olive oil.
Some foods speed up the metabolism and start the fat burning process in the problem areas. These include:
- ginger;
- cabbage;
- grapefruit;
- green tea;
- cinnamon;
- cucumbers.
It is helpful to drink 100 ml of red wine a day. It has resveratrol, prevents the formation of fat.
What is not on a diet
During the diet should abandon such products:
- fast food;
- sweets;
- semi-finished products;
- flour;
- fried;
- bold;
- pickles;
- canned;
- chips;
- sauces;
- crackers;
- coffee;
- fatty meat;
- oily fish.
If such food will be present in the menu, to reduce the volume of the stomach and sides will not work. Prohibited alcohol and Smoking. It is necessary to limit quantity of pasta, potatoes and cauliflower. The rejection of the above products will help to organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize metabolism.
Recipes healthy diet many. Healthy and low-calorie foods you can cook very tasty dishes. Here are some of them:
Salad with roasted tomatoes
You will need:
- 3 tomatoes;
- 100 g of lettuce;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 200 g tofu;
- olive oil.
- Tomatoes cut into rings and fry without oil until crisp.
- Garlic passed through the press and mix with oil.
- On a plate arrange lettuce, seasoned garlic oil, add the tomatoes.
- Cheese cut into cubes and put on top.
This is a great summer salad that contains a lot of vitamins.
Squash soup
To create low-calorie soup you will need:
- 2 small zucchini;
- 1 carrot;
- celery;
- greens;
- pepper, salt.
- Vegetables cut into cubes and boiled in 1.5 liters of water until fully cooked.
- Mass mash with a blender, add salt and pepper.
- Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and pour soup on plates.
- Decorate the dish with greens.
Enhancing diet
To accelerate weight loss and to stimulate the body will help and other manipulations.
Milk, tea and Sassi
To strengthen the effect of diet help the drink a special milk tea. It consists of green tea, brewed in milk. During the day you should
drink 1.5 liters of drink. This ensures that the reset 1-2 kg, and a decrease in waist volume. Method of preparation:
- 1 liter of milk (fat 1,5%) is heated to 70-80 degrees.
- Add 3 tablespoons green leaf tea.
- Brew tea for 30 to 60 minutes.
- Strain and drink throughout the day.
During the diet recommended to drink water Sassi helps cleanse the bowel and weight loss in the waist area. It is prepared from the following ingredients:
- 8 glasses of purified water;
- lemon;
- cucumber;
- ginger root;
- mint.
Chopped products put into the water in the evening, and the next day start drinking.
Remove the belly and flanks will help vinegar wraps. Dilute Apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and moisten cotton cloth. Material squeeze and wrap the problem areas, the top covered with foil and put on warm clothes. After 60 minutes the fabric is removed, wash off the vinegar.

It is useful to special-massage. Before him it is desirable to take a warm bath to lubricate the skin on the abdomen and flanks means of cellulite. During self-massage using stroking, effleurage and friction. The degree of pressing is regulated by their own feelings.
Against the belly and sides effective the following exercises:
- the slopes with weights in hand;
- lifts of the lower extremities;
- run;
- bike;
- torsion;
- exercises on the ball.
Every day, rotate the Hoop, jump rope and rock press. Popular technique of "vacuum", is based on proper breathing. These exercises should be done daily. For faster results, suggest 1-2 times a 7 days to visit the pool, sauna or bath.
In the presence of chronic diseases to go on a diet after consultation with your doctor. Usually weight loss programs are prohibited for people with such problems:
- high cholesterol;
- anemia;
- hypotension;
- low immunity;
- the increased acidity of the stomach;
- of renal disease;
- gastritis;
- a stomach ulcer.
Contraindicated diet for stomach and sides for women during pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to get involved in a similar weight loss programs elderly men and women, children and adolescents. It is forbidden to restrict your diet during illness, after surgery.
Side effects
Diet for the body is stress. Some extreme weight loss can cause hair loss, cramps in the legs due to lack of calcium. If you start problems with digestion, the stomach will only increase from constipation. It is therefore important to choose a balanced power system to support the body's level of necessary substances.
In the case of flatulence, diarrhoea or constipation, experts advise to enter into the diet of herbal teas with a slight laxative effect, eat more fruits and vegetables, don't ignore the consumption of vegetable oils. You can't lean on coffee and tea to raise your tone to avoid headaches. If during the diet observed deterioration of health, need to stop weight loss program and consult with your doctor.